EGMF comments on the potential inclusion of lead metal in REACH Annex XIV
EGMF, together with 30 other industry organisations, provided the downstream users perspective on the potential inclusion of lead metal in REACH Annex XIV. Before proceeding with the inclusion of a widely used and critical substance such as lead, we strongly recommend to the EU Commission and ECHA to first launch an deep and detailed impact assessment and figure out the normative requirements that reference to REACH Annex XIV. This is critical to decide if the benefits from adding lead to REACH Annex XIV would outweigh all the consequent impacts.
EGMF also published a position paper regarding the potential consequences for garden, landscaping, forestry and turf equipment manufacturers, since lead in alloys is essential for the reliability and durability of garden and outdoor power equipment.
To read our recommendations in full, please download our position paper HERE and the joint industry document HERE.