EGMF statement on the proposal for a Regulation on the road approval of non-road mobile machinery
The European garden machinery and outdoor power equipment industry welcomes the long-awaited European Commission proposal on the road approval of non-road mobile machinery.
While the European Union celebrates the 30th anniversary of the Single Market, this legislative proposal is a concrete example of actions that effectively contribute to further deepen the Single Market, through a new dedicated EU legislation aiming at the harmonisation of road circulation requirements for mobile machinery.
Although we strongly regret that the Commission tabled a legislation exclusively based on the type-approval system, this proposal is a good step towards further European harmonisation. The upcoming Regulation will cut unnecessary costs and remove disproportionate administrative burden on mobile machinery manufacturers, including manufacturers of garden machinery and outdoor power equipment.
The Commission proposal will not only benefit the industry, but also provide benefits for Member States, European Commission and European citizens. We believe that the final legislation will contribute to guarantee the same high standards of road safety requirements across the EU and offer a platform for discussing safety concerns for road circulation, thus benefiting to the whole European society.
Finally, EGMF stands ready to cooperate with the European Council and the European Parliament during the upcoming decision-making process and supplementary legislation to achieve a legislation that will enhance European competitiveness and innovation, while guaranteeing road safety for mobile machinery used by European citizens.